Sweet Rice Ball Soup at the Harmony Restaurant in Ottawa

Sweet Rice Ball Soup at the Harmony Restaurant in Ottawa

The Sweet Rice Ball Soup at Harmony in Ottawa had a lovely blend of textures and a richly aromatic stock. It earned a 4 out of 5 Rating.

The soup you see pictured above was served to me at the Harmony Restaurant in Ottawa’s Chinatown. It turned out to be something of an unexpected novelty for me, first, because it was the first time I had ever tried a sweet Chinese soup, and secondly, because I was expecting something different based on the menu description. In any event, I found the texture of the rice balls and the flavor of the soup broth to be very enjoyable.

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I recently created a set of web pages detailing my construction of the model you see above. The pages were designed to be accessed by model boat builders using links posted on hobby sites, but I have made it a subject of a blog post so that any of my readers can take a look if they are interested simply by clicking here, or on the picture itself.

The model was built using the Model Shipways™ HMS Bounty Launch kit but I departed from the plans somewhat and built an 18th Century working boat of the sort that would be used to ferry passengers across the Thames, or to ships moored mid-stream in the river. I won’t say more on the subject as I explain everything in my web pages, but enjoy, if you are inclined to visit…